For many Americans, dealing with heartburn has become a daily chore. Everyday we see advertisements for medications that either alleviate the symptoms of heartburn or try to prevent heartburn from ever starting. It is estimated that over 60 million Americans suffer from frequent heartburn.
Caused by stomach acid working its way up our esophagus, heartburn can cause severe chest pain, bloating, gas, nausea, and even shortness of breath. If you experience these symptoms be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that is not a problem with your heart or lungs. The reason this stomach acid can work its way up into our esophagus is because the muscle which controls the valve separating the esophagus and stomach does not work properly. Today we call chronic heartburn and acid indigestion by another name, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD for short.

Chronic antacid use can actually make this problem worse. Some antacids advertise that they contain calcium. This sounds great, but our body can only absorb calcium if it is in an acidic environment. Therefore taking an antacid, which decreases the acidity, along with calcium, means that the body will not be able to absorb much of the calcium. Doing this daily for an extended time frame may make the body dependent upon those antacids, and decrease the calcium uptake in the body. A good alternative for relieving heartburn is taking a calcium supplement with a large glass of water. This allows the body to absorb the calcium, and it alters the acidity of the stomach more naturally.

For people with a long history of GERD, 3 different supplements have proven helpful in clinical trials. Bromelain and papaya tablets can have a positive effect on GERD. Both of these tablets contain digestive enzymes. Bromelain is found in pineapples, and papaya also contains a few digestive enzymes that can help the stomach relax. Typically the Papaya will be found in chewable tablets. The third supplement which can be taken on a daily basis to alleviate symptoms is a Vitamin B-complex. Research has shown that taking 50mg of each major B vitamin 3 times a day with meals, can help aid in proper digestion, and help regulate acid production.

For people with occasional heartburn, there a few tricks you can try as well. At the first sign of heart burn, drink a large glass of cold water; this often helps. You can also try changing your eating habits, eating more fruits and vegetables, with the exception of citrus, will help the body regulate acid production, and this also aids in digestion. Multiple research articles will tell people to avoid caffeine, carbonated beverages, fried foods, peppermint, spearmint, tobacco, tomatoes, onions, and spicy foods in excess. All of these foods can aggravate heartburn. Another good home remedy suggests mixing 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar into a glass of water, drinking this with your meals, and no other beverages until you are done eating. It is believed that the acid in the vinegar will take the place of stomach acid, and slow its production in the body.

Be sure not to eat for three hours before going to bed, this will prevent an increase in acid production. Likewise, you should wait at least three hours after a meal to lie down or even recline on furniture as this can cause acid to be pushed up towards the esophagus. If you experience heartburn while sleeping, try lying on your left side, this puts the stomach in the best position to help prevent acid reflux. If you already suffer from chronic heartburn, chamomile tea can help relieve irritation in the esophagus. In any case, persistent heartburn or a sudden start of chest pain warrants a check-up with your doctor. The early symptoms of angina and heart attack sometimes mimic those of “acid stomach.” If it is only heartburn, try some home remedies, and see if you can fix the problem without medications.

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