What are they?
These two substances belong to a class of sugar-proteins called Glucosaminoglycans (GAGs). GAGs have a high attraction to water, and when present in the adequate amounts in our joints, they help our body maintain a healthy thickness of cartilage to line our joints. GAGs are also very prominent in the vertebral discs that exist between each of the vertebrae in our spine. Combined with a good diet and plenty of sleep, these GAGs help our spine maintain the joint space in between the vertebrae.

Will it work for me?
Research has shown that these supplements are the most effective at treating mild to moderate arthritis. Many athletes take these supplements to compensate for the excessive wear and tear they put on their joints. The only way to know if it will work is to try it.

What type should I use?
There are multiple forms of these substances, the most highly researched are Glucosamine sulfate and Chondroitin sulfate. Some of the sulfate based forms may cause problems in people who are allergic to sulfa drugs. In these cases, it would be important to use a reputable distributor, with no sulfate based compounds.

How much should I take?
As for the recommended dosing, research has shown that the most effective amount is 1500mg of Glucosamine, and 1200mg of Chondroitin. It is also important to know that these substances have to build up in our blood stream over time, and it could take up to 3 months to see the full effects.

Where do I get it?
Health food stores, grocery stores, and some doctor’s offices carry these products. The Food and Drug Administration does not monitor the quality of supplements, so it may be more effective to purchase supplements from a reputable distributor. The most effective supplements are pharmaceutical grade, and these can normally be found through doctors’ offices.

Are there any side effects?
No major side effects have been reported. With the exception of an allergy to the sulfa component of some forms, or some mild digestive system discomfort, there are no known side effects.

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